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Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog,comp.object.logic,news.answers,comp.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!gatech!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!fs7.ece.cmu.edu!crabapple.srv.cs.cmu.edu!mkant
From: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu (Mark Kantrowitz)
Subject: FAQ: Prolog Resource Guide 1/2 [Monthly posting]
Message-ID: <prolog-resource-guide-1.text_740041230@cs.cmu.edu>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: news@cs.cmu.edu (Usenet News System)
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Nntp-Posting-Host: a.gp.cs.cmu.edu
Reply-To: mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu
Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1993 07:01:07 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1993 07:00:30 GMT
Lines: 630
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.lang.prolog:7891 comp.object.logic:37 news.answers:9359 comp.answers:988
Archive-name: prolog/resource-guide/part1
Last-Modified: Mon Jun 7 17:44:54 1993 by Mark Kantrowitz
Version: 1.7
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Prolog Resource Guide ******************************************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; prolog-resource-guide-1.text -- 30810 bytes
Contributions and corrections should be sent to Mark Kantrowitz
at mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu.
This guide lists a variety of resources for the Prolog community,
including books, magazines, ftp archives, and products. It is posted
once a month to the newsgroups comp.lang.prolog and comp.object.logic.
The original version of this guide (Version 0.6, Dec 11, 1991) was
compiled by Dag Wahlberg, Uppsala University, Sweden <dagwag@csd.uu.se>.
Other people who helped with the compilation include Chris Moss
<cdsm@doc.ic.ac.uk>, Mats Carlsson, SICS <matsc@sics.se>,
Michael A. Covington <mcovingt@uga.cc.uga.edu>, Jocelyn Paine
<popx@vax.ox.ac.uk>, Per G. Bilse, PDC <pdev@pdc.dk>, David Cohen, BIM
Systems Inc <dc@bim.com>, Mark Korsloot <mark@logic.et.tudelft.nl>, and
David W. Talmage <talmage@luvthang.aquin.ori-cal.com>.
Thanks also to Jamie Andrews <jamie@cs.sfu.ca>.
Suggestions and comments to: mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu
Table of Contents (Part 1):
[1-0] Introduction
[1-1] Sources of information about Prolog
[1-2] FTP Archives and Other Resources
[1-3] Prolog-related Mailing Lists
[1-4] Books and Magazine Articles
[1-5] The Prolog 1000 Database
[1-6] X-Windows Interfaces
Prolog Implementations (Part 2):
[2-1] Public Domain or Free Prolog Implementations
[2-2] Commercial Prolog Implementations
Search for [#] to get to topic number # quickly. In newsreaders which
support digests (such as rn), [CTRL]-G will page through the answers.
Recent Changes:
;;; 1.7:
;;; 17-MAY-93 mk Updated entry on Lambda Prolog
;;; 19-MAY-93 mk Updated entry on Cogent Prolog.
;;; 7-JUN-93 mk Entry on eLP in part 2.
;;; 7-JUN-93 mk Entry on XPCE in 1-6.
Subject: [1-0] Introduction
This guide lists Prolog resources: archives, newsgroups, books,
magazines, compilers, interpreters and anything else you can think of
which has to do with the proliferation of Prolog. Also included is a
list of suppliers of products and a list of publishers. As Prolog has
a strong historical tradition in Europe, we've tried to ensure that
the information is relevant to all readers, both European and North American.
This guide is posted regularly to comp.lang.prolog and comp.object.logic.
It may also be obtained by anonymous ftp from CMU:
To obtain the file from CMU, connect by anonymous ftp to any CMU CS
machine (e.g., ftp.cs.cmu.edu []), using username
"anonymous" and password "name@host". The files
are located in the directory
[Note: You must cd to this directory in one atomic operation, as
some of the superior directories on the path are protected from
access by anonymous ftp.] If your site runs the Andrew File System,
you can just cp the file directly without bothering with FTP.
The FAQ postings are also archived in the periodic posting archive on
rtfm.mit.edu []. Look in the anonymous ftp directory
/pub/usenet/news.answers/ in the subdirectory prolog/. If you do not
have anonymous ftp access, you can access the archive by mail server
as well. Send an E-mail message to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
with "help" and "index" in the body on separate lines for more
We have taken great care in making the information in this document as
accurate as possible. However we are not responsible for any problems
which might occur from using information supplied in this guide.
Subject: [1-1] Sources of Information about Prolog
The newsgroups comp.lang.prolog, comp.object.logic, and (to a lesser
extent) comp.ai are a source of information and discussion about Prolog.
A "Frequently Asked Questions" posting is posted to comp.lang.prolog
twice a month by Jamie Andrews <jamie@cs.sfu.ca>. The Prolog FAQ and this
Prolog Resource Guide are intended to complement one another.
The draft ISO standard for Prolog is available by anonymous ftp from
ai.uga.edu:/ai.prolog.standard [].
Subject: [1-2] FTP Archives and Other Resources
The following are achives that contain Prolog-related material, such as
code, interpreters, articles, etc. Most of the archives are ftp sites.
They are listed by domain.name and [IP Address]. To access them and
download programs type at the prompt:
ftp <site name> (or IP address)
login: "anonymous",
password: your own return email address,
cd <directory>, ls to see files,
set binary,
get <filename> to transfer file to your system
stop with quit or exit
Deviations from this general scheme may occur but the above should
work in most cases.
Artificial Intelligence Programs:
ai.uga.edu []
Contains public domain Prologs, such as Open Prolog and ESL PD Prolog,
all programs from the book by Covington, Nute, and Vellino, (see
the section on Books below) and some technical reports with
accompanying code. Maintained by Michael Covington, the University
of Georgia, mcovingt@aisun1.ai.uga.edu.
ALE (Attribute Logic Engine), a public domain system written in
Prolog, integrates phrase structure parsing and constraint logic
programming with typed feature structures as terms. Types are
arranged in an inheritance hierarchy and specified for the features
and value types for which they are appropriate. Grammars may also
interleave unification steps with logic program goal calls (as can be
done in DCGs), thus allowing parsing to be interleaved with other
system components. While ALE was developed to handle HPSG grammars,
it can also execute PATR-II grammars, DCG grammars, Prolog, Prolog-II,
and LOGIN programs, etc. Grammars and programs are specified with a
version of Rounds-Kasper Attribute Value Logic with macros and
variables. ALE supports lexical rules and empty categories for
grammars, using a bottom-up, breadth-first dynamic chart parser. ALE
supports last call optimization, negation by failure and cuts in
definite clauses, which may be used independently or integrated into
grammars. The system is available free for research purposes, from
Bob Carpenter <carp@lcl.cmu.edu>.
ALP-UK Library:
The best Prolog library currently is the one collected by the ALP-UK
group. It is available to members at 30 pounds sterling for a Sun
cartridge or 2 pounds/IBM DOS disk. (non-members maybe, how much?) It
contains MBs of Prolog systems (including SB Prolog), libraries
(including the Edinburgh library), benchmarks, grammars, theorem provers,
object and graphics systems etc. For more information, write to ALP-UK
Library, Sanjay Raina, Librarian, Dept. of Computer Science, University
of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK, call +44 0272 303030
x3304, or send email to raina@compsci.bristol.ac.uk.
CASLOG (Complexity Analysis System for LOGic) is an experimental
semi-automatic complexity analysis system for logic programs. It can
perform the worst-case analysis for complexity measures: argument size
complexity, number of solutions complexity, and time complexity.
CASLOG extends the techniques developed for analyzing imperative and
functional languages to deal with nondeterminism and generation of
multiple solutions via backtracking in logic languages. The analyses
for different complexity measures are implemented in a unified
framework and share several common features. First, the predicates in
a program are processed in an order generated by a bottom-up
topological sorting over the call graph of the program. Second, the
complexity function for a predicate is derived from the complexity
function of its clauses by using the information about the mutual
exclusion relationships between its clauses. Third, the complexity
function for a clause is inferred based on the data dependency
relationships between its literals. Fourth, the complexity functions
for recursive clauses are in the form of difference equations and are
transformed into closed form functions using difference equation
solving techniques. This unified framework can simplify proofs of
correctness and the implementation of the algorithms.
CASLOG is available by anonymous ftp from cs.arizona.edu:caslog/. This
is an alpha distribution, and includes CASLOG version 1.0, a
preliminary user manual, a paper on CASLOG, and a set of examples.
For more information, contact Nai-Wei Lin <naiwei@cs.arizona.edu>.
Constraint Programming Paper Archive:
Aarhus University, Denmark, has established an anonymous ftp archive
for papers on "Constraint Programming" at ftp.daimi.aau.dk:pub/CLP/.
For further information, contact Brian H. Mayoh <brian@daimi.aau.dk>.
Eden is a Poplog-based AI microworld developed by Simon Perkins,
Jocelyn Paine and Edmund Chattoe of the Oxford University Artificial
Intelligence Society. It is intended to serve as a testbed for
learning and planning programs. Programs written in Pop-11, Prolog,
Lisp, and ML control a "bug" that lives in a 2-dimensional world. Any
kind of algorithm may be used to control the bug, including genetic
algorithms, neural nets, and rule-based systems. Eden consists of a
grid of cells, each of which can contain objects such as keys, doors,
boulders and quicksand. Bug's objective is to find and eat a piece of
food which the simulator has placed somewhere within this grid. To do
this, Bug must negotiate its way towards the food while dealing
intelligently with obstacles. Eden's laws of physics allow Bug to take
one of several different actions when it encounters an object. The
simulator then works out the consequences of the chosen action on Bug
and on Eden, and displays these graphically in a Ved window. Bug's
perceptions are updated to reflect the new state of the world, and the
cycle repeats. Eden is available by anonymous ftp from the Imperial
College archive, src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] in the directory
computing/programming/languages/prolog/pd-software (a shortcut is
packages/prolog-pd-software) as the file eden.tar.Z. Eden includes
PopBeast, a simple Prolog bug which can read and parse simple
commands, extract their meaning, plan how to satisfy these commands,
and then carry out the plans.
The Oxford University AI Society is running an international AI
competition for Eden bugs. Send your source code to Jocelyn Paine
<popx@vax.oxford.ac.uk> or Edmund Chattoe <econec@vax.oxford.ac.uk> by
May 1, 1993, if you'd like to enter.
Logic Programming Bibliographies:
duck.dfki.uni-sb.de []
The BiBTeX bibliographies are available in /pub/lp-proceedings.
BibTeX entries for the proceedings of the following conferences
are included: SLP84-87,91, NACLP89-90, ILPS91, ICLP82,84,86-91,
JICLP92, LP88, RTA89, PLILP90-92, ALPUK91, ICOT92, ALP90,92,
CADE90,92, CTRS90,92, LICS86-91, UNIF89, EPIA89, IANDC, TACS91,
and the following journals: JLP85-93, JAR91,92, JSC91,92.
Send comments and bug reports to rscheidhauer@dfki.uni-sb.de.
Natural Language Processing in Prolog:
The Prolog and DCG programs from Pereira and Shieber's book, "Prolog
and Natural Language Analysis", are available by anonymous ftp from
das.harvard.edu:pub/shieber/pnla/. See the file README for the
conditions under which the material is distributed. If you retrieve
the files, please send an email message to the authors letting them
know how you plan to use them. For further information, write to
Fernando Pereira <pereira@research.att.com> or Stuart Shieber
Object-Oriented Program in Prolog:
OL(P), Object Layer for Prolog, is an object-oriented extension to
Prolog. It provides an object-oriented structuring and reuse
mechanism for Prolog in a manner that preserves performance and
semantics. The object-oriented layer is compiled into Prolog without
introducing any side-effects. OL(P) takes the view of objects as
collections of predicates (called methods). To Prolog, OL(P) 1.0 adds
objects with methods, data encapsulation, instances, and multiple
inheritance. Object methods can access Prolog predicates and vice
versa. The OL(P) incremental compiler translates OL(P) programs to
Prolog programs that don't need runtime interpretation (e.g., no
search is needed for inheritance). OL(P) 1.0 comes with prepared
installation for SICStus Prolog (on UNIX), documentation, simple
built-in project management, some libraries, and example programs. The
source is included, so you can port OL(P) to different platforms,
different Prolog systems, and different logic programming languages.
OL(P) is available by anonymous ftp from parcftp.xerox.com:/ftp/pub/ol/
[]. Written by Markus P.J. Fromherz <fromherz@parc.xerox.com>.
Prolog Repository:
Established by Jocelyn Paine of Experimental Psychology, Oxford
University in 1987. The current catalogue (January 1991) contains
30 entries. For catalogue, queries and contributions contact POPX at:
popx%vax.ox.ac.uk@oxmail.ox.ac.uk (internet) or
popx@uk.ac.ox.vax (janet)
FTP access is available through the Imperial College archive at
src.doc.ic.ac.uk (
in the directory
with a short-cut link of:
To access it, cd to either of the above directories via
anonymous ftp. The file README gives a brief summary of the
contents of the directory and CATALOGUE gives a (long!)
description of each entry. Entries include the Logic Programming
Tutor from Paine's book, the DEC-10 public-domain library, the
Linger natural-language corrector, a simple object-oriented
add-on for Prolog, graph utilities, among other things.
Files in the archive are also available on MS-DOS floppies for a
nominal fee to cover the cost of floppies, postage, and packing.
Machine Learning Algorithms Implemented in Prolog:
In 1988 the Special Interest Group on Machine Learning of the German
Society for Computer Science (GI e.V.) decided to establish a library
of PROLOG implementations of Machine Learning algorithms. The library
includes - amongst others - PROLOG implementations of Winston's arch,
Becker's AQ-PROLOG, Fisher's COBWEB, Brazdil's generation of
discriminations from derivation trees, Quinlan's ID3, inverse
resolution, and Mitchell's version spaces algorithm. The programs are
currently available via anonymous ftp-server from the GMD:
ftp.gmd.de:/gmd/mlt/ML-Program-Library []
Send additional PROLOG implementations of Machine Learning
Algorithms, complaints about them and detected bugs or problems
to Thomas Hoppe, <hoppet@cs.tu-berlin.de>. Send suggestions and
complaints about the ftp library to Werner Emde, Gesellschaft
fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung, Bonn, <emde@gmdzi.gmd.de>.
Prolog to SQL Compiler:
The Prolog to SQL Compiler translates database access requests,
which consist of a projection term and a database goal, to the
appropriate SQL query. The compiler is written in standard Edinburgh
Prolog and has been ported to a number of Prologs. The code posted to
comp.lang.prolog works in ECRC's SEPIA Prolog, but should be easily
ported to other Prologs. A detailed tech report on the implementation
is available by email from draxler@sun1.cis.uni-muenchen.de (include
your full postal address). The compiler is copyright, but may be used
free of charge for non-commercial purposes and redistributed provided
the copyright notice is retained intact.
PSI is a handy system for the management and retrieval of your
personal data, be it addresses, CD collections, or bibliographic
references. It is intended for the non-commercial user. It may not be
as full-fledged as some data-base systems, but has some features that
you won't find in most commercial systems. Also, you may find it
easier to set up and faster to use. PSI is useful for a broad range of
data. Indexing with descriptors makes searching for the data you need
fast, and the interface to other data-base formats (import and export)
is quite powerful. PSI was written in LPA MacProlog and is a "genuine
'double clickable' Mac application". PSI runs on all Macs with System
6 or 7 in 1MB of main memory. As LPA MacProlog isn't yet 32-bit clean,
PSI isn't either. Extensive documentation and some examples are
included. PSI is available by anonymous ftp from
sumex-aim.stanford.edu, directory info-mac/app, file psi-23.hqx. It
was also available on a recent Nautilus CD-ROM and will be on the
first Info-Mac CD-ROM.
SEL is a declarative set processing language. Its main features are
subset and equational program clauses, pattern matching over sets,
support for efficient iteration and point-wise/incremental computation
over sets, the ability to define transitive closures through circular
constraints, meta-programming and simple higher-order programming, and
a modest user-interface including tracing. The language seems
well-suited to a number of problems in graph theory, program analysis,
and discrete mathematics. The SEL compiler is written in Quintus
Prolog and the run-time system is written in C. It generates WAM-like
code, extended to deal with set-matching, memoization, and the novel
control structure of the language. SEL is available by anonymous FTP
from ftp.cs.buffalo.edu:users/bharat/SEL2/. The FTP release comes with a
user manual, bibliography of papers (including .dvi files), several
sample programs, and source code. For further information, write to
Bharat Jayaraman <bharat@cs.buffalo.edu>.
Subject: [1-3] Mailing Lists
Prolog and Logic Programming:
prolog@sushi.stanford.edu (general)
prolog-hackers@sushi.stanford.edu (nitty gritty)
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to prolog-request@sushi.stanford.edu
[The host sushi.stanford.edu no longer exists, as of 11/24/92.
Does anybody know the new location of the mailing lists?]
Concurrent Logic Programming:
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to clp-request.x@xerox.com or to
Jacob Levy <jlevy.pa@xerox.com>.
Lambda Prolog:
To subscribe, send mail to lprolog-request@cis.upenn.edu.
Electronic Journal of Functional and Logic Programming (EJFLP)
EJFLP is a refereed journal that will be distributed for free via e-mail.
The aim of EJFLP is to create a new medium for research investigating the
integration of the functional, logic and constraint programming paradigms.
For instructions on submitting a paper, send an empty mail message with
Subject: Help
to: submissions@ls5.informatik.uni-dortmund.de.
You will receive an acknowledgment of your submission within a few hours.
To subscribe to the journal, send an empty mail message to the same
address. You will receive an acknowledgment of your subscription within
a few days.
If there are any problems with the mail-server, send mail to
The editorial board is: Rita Loogen (RWTH Aachen), Herbert Kuchen (RWTH
Aachen), Michael Hanus (MPI-Saarbruecken), Manuel MT Chakravarty (TU
Berlin), Martin Koehler (Imperial College London), Yike Guo (Imperial
College London), Mario Rodriguez-Artalejo (Univ. Madrid), Andy Krall
(TU Wien), Andy Mueck (LMU Muenchen), Tetsuo Ida (Univ. Tsukuba,
Japan), Hendrik C.R. Lock (IBM Heidelberg), Andreas Hallmann (Univ.
Dortmund), Peter Padawitz (Univ. Dortmund), Christoph Brzoska (Univ.
PDC-L@hearn.bitnet is a discussion list for PDC Prolog users.
Subject: [1-4] Books and Magazine Articles
A BiBTeX bibliography of Logic Programming Conferences is available by
anonymous ftp from duck.dfki.uni-sb.de. See [1-2] above.
A partially annotated bibliography of work on integrating
object-oriented and logic programming is available by anonymous ftp
from menaik.cs.ualberta.ca:pub/oolog/ in PostScript and BibTeX
formats. Written by Vladimir Alexiev <vladimir@cs.ualberta.ca>.
The following books are regarded as popular and widely used. Also
included are some books about WAM. This is not intended to be a complete
Prolog bibliography.
Ait-Kaci, Hassan, "Warren's Abstract Machine: A Tutorial Reconstruction",
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 1991.
ISBN: 0-262-51058-8 (paper), 0-262-01123-9 (cloth).
Bratko, Ivan, "Programming in Prolog for Artificial Intelligence",
2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley, 1990
Campbell, J.A. (ed): "Implementations of Prolog", John Wiley, 1984
Clocksin, W.F. and Mellish, C.S: "Programming in Prolog", 3rd Ed.
Springer Verlag, 1987. (Basic Introduction).
Conlon, Tom: "Programming in Parlog". Addison-Wesley, 1989,
ISBN 0-201-17450-2.
Covington, M.A.; Nute, D.; and Vellino, A. "Prolog Programming in Depth",
Scott, Foresman & Co. ISBN: 0-521-40984-5
Deville, Yves: "Logic Programming, Systematic Program Development",
International Series in Logic Programming, Addison-Wesley, 1990, 338 pages.
ISBN 0-201-17576-2.
Gregory, Steve: "Parallel Logic Programming in Parlog: The Language
and Its Implementation", Addison-Wesley, 1987, ISBN 0-201-19241-1.
Hogger, C.J.: "Introduction to Logic Programming", Academic Press 1984
O'Keefe, Richard A.: "The Craft of PROLOG", MIT Press, 1990,
ISBN 0-262-15039-5.
Kluzniak and Szpakowicz: "Prolog for Programmers", Academic Press 1985
Kowalski, R.A.: "Logic for Problem Solving", New York 1979, Elsevier Publ.
Le, Tu Van, "Techniques of Prolog programming, with implementation
of logical negation and quantified goals", John Wiley, New York, 1993.
ISBN: 0-471-57175-X (American edition), 0-471-59970-O (International
edition). LnProlog, a Prolog interpreter that supports negative
finding queries and quantified queries is available together with
the book.
LLoyd, John: "Foundations of Logic Programming", 2nd Edition,
Springer-Verlag, 1988. (Intro to logic programming theory.)
David Maier and David S. Warren: "Computing with Logic: Logic
Programming with Prolog", Benjamin Cummings, Menlo Park, CA, 1989.
Dennis Merritt: "Building Expert Systems in Prolog", Springer-Verlag 1989.
Explains how to build various expert system shells in Prolog, including
forward/backward chaining, FOOPS, rete-network, frames and more. Includes
complete source code listings. (Source code from the book is also
sold on disk by Amziod.)
Dennis Merritt: "Adventure in Prolog", Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Teaches Prolog by leading the reader through the construction of an
adventure game. The exercises lead the reader through three other
programs: an intelligent database, an expert system and an order-entry
program. While most texts teach Prolog with fragments of interesting code,
this book takes a more pragmatic (as opposed to theoretical approach) and
shows the reader how to assemble complete Prolog programs.
Nilsson, Ulf and Maluszynski, Jan, "Logic, Programming and Prolog",
John Wiley & Sons, 1990, ISBN 0-471-92625-6.
Peter Ross, "Advanced Prolog: Techniques and Examples",
Addison-Wesley, 1989, ISBN 0-201-17527-4.
Sterling, Leon (ed): "The Practice of Prolog", MIT Press, 1990
ISBN 0-262-19301-9
Sterling, Leon, Shapiro, Ehud: "The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming
Techniques", MIT Press, 1986 ISBN 0-262-19250-0
David H. D. Warren: "An Abstract Prolog Instruction Set", Technical Note
No 309, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, 1983.
David H. D. Warren, "Logic Programming and Compiler Writing," in
Software-Practice and Experience 10(2), 1980.
Tick, E.: "Parallel Logic Programming". MIT Press, 1991
Subrata Kumar DAS, "Deductive Databases and Logic Programming",
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, July 1992, 448 pages.
ISBN 0-201-56897-7.
Magazine Articles:
BYTE Magazine, August 1987. 5 introductory articles on Prolog.
Uwe Schreiweis: Beredte Logik, Konzepte der 'KI-Sprache" Prolog,
(Eloquent Logic, Concepts of the AI language Prolog), iX Magazine,
October 1992, pages 84-90.
Uwe Schreiweis: Basis der Fuenf, Die Sprache Prolog in der Public
Domain, (Base of the Five, Prolog in the Public Domain), iX Magazine,
October 1992, pages 92-94.
Uwe Schreiweis: Fuenfte Generation, Kommerzielle Prolog-Systeme,
(Fifth Generation, Commercial Prolog Systems), iX Magazine, October
1992, pages 96-102.
Klaus Bothe: Weniger Raum, Speicherplatzbezogener Prolog-Benchmark,
(Less Space, A Space Oriented Prolog Benchmark), iX Magazine, October
1992, pages 106-7.
Magazines Related to Prolog:
Logic Programming Newsletter (4 issues/yr)
Included with membership in the Association for Logic Programming
($20 regular, $10 students). For membership information, write to
Cheryl Anderson (ALP), DoC-ICSTM, 180 Queens Gate, London SW7 2BZ,
UK, phone +44-71-589-5111 x5011, fax +44-71-589-1552, or send email
to alp@doc.ic.ac.uk. Contributions are welcome and should be sent
to Andrew Davidson <ad@cs.mu.oz.au>.
AI Communications (4 issues/yr)
"The European Journal on Artificial Intelligence" ISSN 0921-7126,
European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence.
AI Expert (issued monthly) ISSN 0888-3785, Miller Freeman Publishers
See a copy of the magazine for list of BBS's in NA. On CompuServe: GO
AIEXPERT. Regularly reviews Prolog interpreters and compilers.
Expert Systems (issued Feb, May, Aug and Nov) ISSN 0266-4720,
Learned Information (Europe) Ltd. Subscription: GBP 85 or USD 110
IEEE Expert (issued bimonthly) ISSN 0885-9000, IEEE Computer Society
The Journal of Logic Programming (issued bimonthly), (North-Holland),
Elsevier Publishing Company, ISSN 0743-1066
New Generation Computing, Springer-Verlag. (LOTS of Prolog in it.)
Subject: [1-5] The Prolog 1000 Database
The Prolog 1000 is a database of real Prolog applications being
assembled in conjunction with the Association for Logic Programming
(ALP) and PVG. The aim is to demonstrate how Prolog is being used in
the real world and it already contains over 400 programs with well
over 2 million lines of code. The database will be published in due
course and available for research use. If you have or know about a
program that might qualify for inclusion, send an email message to Al
Roth (alroth@cix.compulink.co.uk) for an electronic entry form which
only takes a few minutes to complete. Or write to Prolog 1000, PO Box
137, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY2 0XY, U.K., Fax: +44 253 53811
Telephone: +44 253 58081. (Floppy disks for PC or Mac in text form are
also welcome, and paper entries may also be sent). Queries may also
be addressed to: Chris Moss (cdsm@doc.ic.ac.uk), Leon Sterling
Subject: [1-6] X-Windows Interfaces
PI is an interface between Prolog applications and the X Window System
that aims to be independent from the Prolog engine, provided that it
has a Quintus-style foreign function interface (such as SICStus, YAP).
It is mostly written in Prolog and is divided in two libraries: (1)
Edipo, a low-level interface to the Xlib functions, and (2) Ytoolkit,
a high-level user interface toolkit that allows you to create and
manage graphical objects, define new classes of objects, and handle
user interaction. PI is available by anonymous ftp from
ftp.ncc.up.pt:/pub/prolog/ytoolkit.tar.Z and includes documentation
and some demos. Send questions, comments, and bug reports to Ze' Paulo
Leal, Universidade de Porto, Portugal, <zp@ncc.up.pt>.
XWIP is an X Windows interface for PROLOG.
XPCE is an object-oriented X-window interface toolkit for symbolic
programming languages (Prolog and Lisp), offering a high level of
abstraction for communication with X11, Unix processes, Unix
networking facilities (sockets) and Unix files. XPCE's built-in
classes (about 150) are mostly written in C. The XPCE/Prolog
interface allows the user to create and manipulate instances of these
classes. The user can also create new XPCE classes from Prolog.
XPCE's window related classes provide various styles of menus,
primitive graphical objects, compound graphical objects and Emacs
oriented programmable text manipulation windows. The distribution
contains several demo programs, including a diagram drawing tool
(PceDraw), an animation demo, an Epoch-like editor, a graphical
interface to Unix ispell, and an online hyper-text manual for XPCE
itself. A demo version of XPCE/SWI-Prolog for Linux may be obtained
by anonymous ftp from swi.psy.uva.nl:pub/xpce/linux/ [].
The non-demo versions (for SWI-Prolog, SICStus Prolog, Lucid Common
Lisp and LispWorks) require filling out a license and paying a fee
(see the file pub/xpce/INFO). To be added to the mailing list
xpce@swi.psy.uva.nl send mail to xpce-request@swi.psu.uva.nl. Send
bugs to xpce-bugs@swi.psy.uva.nl.
;;; *EOF*
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From: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu (Mark Kantrowitz)
Subject: FAQ: Prolog Implementations 2/2 [Monthly posting]
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Archive-name: prolog/resource-guide/part2
Last-Modified: Mon Jun 7 15:07:34 1993 by Mark Kantrowitz
Version: 1.7
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;;; Prolog Resource Guide ******************************************
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This is part two of the Prolog Resource Guide. This part lists
available Prolog implementations, both free and commercial.
Send suggestions and comments to: mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu
Prolog Implementations (Part 2):
[2-1] Public Domain or Free Prolog Implementations
[2-2] Commercial Prolog Implementations
Search for [#] to get to topic number # quickly. In newsreaders which
support digests (such as rn), [CTRL]-G will page through the answers.
Subject: [2-1] Public Domain or Free Prolog Implementations
The following list of free Prolog and logic programming
implementations excludes those listed in the comp.lang.lisp FAQ (i.e.,
Prolog interpreters written in Lisp). Note that commercial prolog
implementations are often more robust and better supported than public
domain and free prolog implementations.
A.D.A. Public Domain Prolog:
A rather slow implementation of Prolog for MS-DOS systems, originally
a product of Automata Design Associates (now defunct), 1570
Arran Way, Dresker, PA 19025, 215-335-5400.
ALF (Algebraic Logic Functional programming language) is a
language which combines functional and logic programming techniques.
The foundation of ALF is Horn clause logic with equality which
consists of predicates and Horn clauses for logic programming, and
functions and equations for functional programming. The abstract
machine is based on the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) with several
extensions to implement narrowing and rewriting. In the current
implementation programs of this abstract machine are executed by an
emulator written in C. It is available by anonymous ftp from
ftp.germany.eu.net (aka simpson.germany.eu.net) in the directory
/pub/programming/languages/LogicFunctional as the files alf_*.zoo
(Documentation, C sources for the emulator, the preprocessor and the
compiler). For further information, contact Rudolf Opalla
Aquarius Prolog:
Aquarius Prolog is a high-performance, portable Prolog implementation
developed since 1989 by the Aquarius Project at UC/Berkeley, the Advanced
Computer Architecture Laboratory (ACAL) at the University of Southern
California (USC), and at Digital Equipment Corporation's Paris Research
Laboratory. The developers are Tom Getzinger, Ralph Clarke Haygood, and
Peter Van Roy. Aquarius Prolog includes:
- A compiler with global analysis. The compiler is built around the
Berkeley Abstract Machine (BAM) execution model for Prolog. BAM
retains desirable features of the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM),
but allows for significant further optimizations and is easier to
map onto actual general-purpose machines.
- A back-end that maps the BAM onto various actual general-purpose
machines, including MIPS R3000 (DEC Ultrix and MIPS RISC/os),
SPARC (SunOS), HP 9000 300/400 with MC68020, MC68030 or MC68040
processors (HP-UX), and Sun3 (SunOS).
- A run-time system offering substantially the same built-in
predicates and memory management as Quintus Prolog, with additions
such as two kinds of destructive assignment. Most of the built-in
predicates are written in Prolog, with little or no performance
Aquarius Prolog also includes an interpreter and documentation.
Aquarius Prolog comes in two distributions, Enduser and Full. The
latter includes full source code and implementation notes.
Aquarius Prolog may be obtained free of charge from USC, after signing
and returning a license agreement. To get the license agreement, send a
message to listserv@acal-server.usc.edu with
get aquarius-info license
in the message body. To get more information about the Full and
Enduser distributions, send the listserver a message containing
one or both of the two lines:
get aquarius-info readme-full
get aquarius-info readme-enduser
To subscribe to the aquarius-prolog mailing list, send the listserver a
message with body:
subscribe aquarius-prolog <Your real name here>
To get more information about the abilities of the listserver, send it a
message with 'help' in the body.
For further information, write to University of Southern California,
Advanced Computer Architecture Laboratory (ACAL), Attn: Aquarius Prolog
Licensing, 3740 S. McClintock, Suite 131, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2561, or
send email to aquarius@acal-server.usc.edu.
clement.info.umoncton.ca:BinProlog/binpro.1.71.tar.Z []
The file papers.tar.Z contains papers related to the implementation.
BinProlog replaces the WAM by a more compact continuation passing
logic engine based on a mapping of full Prolog to binary logic
programs. BinProlog is free for research and other non-profit
purposes. Version 1.71 runs on Sparc, Sun3, NeXT, and 386/486. The
compiler makes 400 KLIPS on a Sparc 10-20 (101 KLIPS on a NeXT) and
still uses a very small (38K under Solaris 2.1) emulator, making it
among the fastest freely available C-emulated Prologs. Comments and
bug reports should be sent to binprolog@info.umoncton.ca.
CLP(R) is a constraint logic programming language with real-arithmetic
constraints. The implementation contains a built-in constraint solver
which deals with linear arithmetic and contains a mechanism for delaying
nonlinear constraints until they become linear. Since CLP(R) subsumes
PROLOG, the system is also usable as a general-purpose logic programming
language. It icnludes facilities for meta-programming with constraints.
The system consists of a compiler, byte-code emulator, and constraint
solver. CLP(R) is written entirely in C and runs on Suns, Vaxen,
MIPS-based machines (Decstations, Silicon Graphics), IBM RS6000s and
PS2s. Includes MS-DOS support. It is available free from IBM for
academic and research purposes only. For more information, write
to Joxan Jaffar, H1-D48, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center,
P.O. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, or send email to
joxan@watson.ibm.com or joxan@yktvmh.bitnet. Current version 1.2.
Common ESP:
Common ESP is an object-oriented system by the AI Language Research
Institute. The binary is free for R & D use only -- send 1/4in CMT
Sun3 and Sun4 (Sparc) with Sun OS R4.0.3, R4.1 or R4.1.1. For more
information, write to AI Language Research Institute Ltd, Yoshitoku
Bldg, Shiba 3-15-14, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105, Japan, fax +81 3 3456 4418,
or send email to k-hata@air.co.jp.
CORAL is a deductive database/logic programming system developed at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is a declarative language
based on Horn-clause rules with extensions like SQL's group-by and
aggregation operators, and uses a Prolog-like syntax.
CORAL is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.wisc.edu. The
distribution includes source code compatible with AT&T C++ Version 2.0
or later, executables for Decstations and SUN 4s, the CORAL User
Manual, and some related papers containing a language overview and
implementation details. (A version of the source code compatible with
GNU g++ will be available shortly.) For more information, contact
Raghu Ramakrishnan, <raghu@ricotta.cs.wisc.edu>.
cu-Prolog is an experimental constraint logic programming language
available free from Japan's Institute for New Generation Computer
Technology (ICOT). Unlike most conventional CLP systems, cu-Prolog
allows user-defined predicates as constraints and is suitable for
implementing a natural language processing system based on the
unification-based grammar. For example, the cu-Prolog developers
implemented a JPSG (Japanese Phrase Structure Grammar) parser in
cu-Prolog with the JPSG Working Group (the chairman is Prof. GUNJI,
Takao of Osaka University) at ICOT. cu-Prolog is a complete
implementation of Constraint Unification (cu), hence the name.
cu-Prolog is implemented in C for BSD UNIX 4.2/3. Professor Sirai of
Chukyo-University has also implemented cu-Prolog for the Apple
Macintosh and DJ's GPP (80386/486 MS-DOS machine with the DOS
extender). cu-Prolog is available free by anonymous ftp from
ftp.icot.or.jp. For further information, send email to ifs@icot.or.jp,
or write to ICOT Free Software Desk, Institute for New Generation
Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita
1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax +81-3-3456-1618.
ECLiPSe (ECRC Logic Programming System) combines the functionalities
of several ECRC systems, including Sepia, MegaLog and CHIP. ECLiPSe
includes a Prolog compiler with extended functionality that is Quintus
and SICStus compatible, a tightly connected database system based on
the BANG file system, a CLP system containing several libraries with
various types of constraint handling schemes, and an X11-based graphic
system (KEGI). The BANG database can store not only relations, but
also any Prolog structures and programs. ECLiPSe also includes a
profiler, user-definable syntax, metaterms as first-class citizens,
coroutining, unlimited precision integer and rational numbers, and a
library for generalized propagation Propia. ECLiPSe is available for a
nominal fee of DM 300 (~$200) to all academic and government-sponsored
organizations. It is distributed in binary form for Sun-3 and Sparc
machines. Send orders or requests for further information to
sepia_request@ecrc.de or write to ECRC, Arabellastrasse 17,
D-8000 Munich 81, Germany. The ECLiPSe documentation (ASCII and dvi)
and some shareware packages ported to ECliPSe are now available by
anonymous ftp from ecrc.de:/pub/eclipse. To subscribe to the
sepia_users@ecrc.de mailing list, send mail to eclipse_request@ecrc.de.
eLP (Ergo Lambda Prolog) is an interpreter written by Conal Elliott,
Frank Pfenning and Dale Miller in Common Lisp and implements the core
of lambda Prolog (higher-order hereditary Harrop formulas). It is
embedded in a larger development environment called ESS (the Ergo
Support System). eLP implements all core language feature and offers
a module system, I/O, some facilities for tracing, error handling,
arithmetic, recursive top-levels, on-line documentation and a number
of extended examples, including many programs from Amy Felty's and
John Hannan's thesis. It should run in Allegro Common Lisp, Lucid
Common Lisp, Kyoto Common Lisp, CMU Common Lisp and Ibuki Common Lisp.
The eLP implementation of lambda Prolog is no longer developed or
maintained, but it is still available via anonymous ftp from
ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ergo/export/ess/. The file
ergolisp.tar.Z contains the Ergo project's extensions to Common Lisp,
including some facilities for attributes and dealing with abstract
syntax trees. The file sb.tar.Z contains the Ergo
Parser/Unparser/Formatter generator and ab.tar.Z contains the Ergo
Attribute Grammar facility. The file elp.tar.Z contains the Ergo
implementation of lambda Prolog. To customize grammars you need the
sb.tar.Z file. When you retrieve the system, please print, fill out,
and send in a copy of the non-restrictive license you will find in the
file LICENSE. To subscribe to the elp@cs.cmu.edu mailing list, send
mail to elp-request@cs.cmu.edu. Bugs should be sent to
ESL Prolog-2 (PD Version):
ai.uga.edu:ai.prolog/eslpdpro.zip []
A prolog for MS-DOS systems with good performance. It deviates
slightly from Edinburgh standard (strings "like this" are not lists
of ASCII codes), but you can add a declaration that makes it fully
Edinburgh-compatible. (Add the line
:- state(token_class,_,dec10).
at the beginning of the program.) It is a more limited version
of the interpreter from the Commercial Version (see [2-2] below).
[Please note that ESL Prolog is NOT a UGA product, they just run
the machine on which a copy is made available. Anyone with
questions should contact ESL in Oxford, England (see [2-2] below).]
GOEDEL is intended to be a declarative successor to Prolog. The
main design aim of Goedel is to have functionality and expressiveness
similar to Prolog, but to have greatly improved declarative semantics
compared with Prolog. This improved declarative semantics has
substantial benefits for program construction, verification,
debugging, transformation, and so on. Considerable emphasis is placed
on Goedel's meta-logical facilities, since this is where Prolog is
most deficient. In particular, Goedel has declarative replacements
for Prolog's var, nonvar, assert, and retract. Goedel is a strongly
typed language, its type system being based on many-sorted logic with
parametric polymorphism. The release includes the Goedel system, a
draft book on the language, a user manual, and 50 example programs.
Goedel must be compiled in SICStus Prolog; a sparc executable is
included in the distribution. Goedel is available by anonymous ftp
from ftp.cs.kuleuven.ac.be:/pub/logic-prgm/goedel [] and
ftp.cs.bris.ac.uk:/goedel []. For more information,
write to goedel@compsci.bristol.ac.uk. Please send an email message to
this address (with your name, institution and address) to this address
when you obtain the system.
IC Prolog:
Runs on Sun3, Sun4. There is MacProlog source in a further subdirectory.
Produced by Imperial College, IC Prolog includes multi-threading,
parlog, TCP primitives, communication primitives, and "mailboxes", a
high level communication system. Includes the preprocessor for the
prolog language extension L&O from the book "Logic & Objects".
See also Yannis Cosmadopoulos and Damian Chu, "IC Prolog ][: a
Language for Implementing Multi-Agent Systems", in Tutorial and
Workshop on Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems, September 23-25,
1992, Keele University. A copy of this paper may be found ing
laotzu.doc.ic.ac.uk [] as /pub/icp-paper.ps.Z, or on
src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] in the directory
Contact Damian Chu <dac@doc.ic.ac.uk> for questions about IC
Prolog, and contact Zacharias Bobolakis <zb@doc.ic.ac.uk> for
information about L&O.
Prolog/Mali (Lambda-Prolog):
Prolog/Mali is a compiler for the higher-order language Lambda-Prolog.
Lambda-Prolog is an extension of Prolog defined by Miller (Miller,
D.A., and Nadathur, G., "Higher-order logic programming", 3rd
International Conference on Logic Programming, pages 448-462, London
1986). It is an extension of Prolog where terms are simply typed
lambda terms and clauses are higher order hereditary Harrop formulas.
The main novelties are universal quantification on goals and
implication. Prolog/Mali is a complete system which includes a C
translator, a linker, libraries, runtime, and documentation, and runs
on UNIX. It requires the MALI-V06 abstract memory package.
Prolog/Mali is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.irisa.fr:pm/.
Written by Pascal Brisset <brisset@irisa.fr> (or <brisset@ecrc.de>)
and Olivier Ridoux (ridoux@irisa.fr). To be added to the mailing list,
send mail to prolog-mali-request@irisa.fr. For more information, send
mail to pm@irisa.fr.
LIFE (Logic, Inheritance, Functions, and Equations) is an experimental
programming language with a powerful facility for structured type
inheritance. It reconciles styles from functional programming, logic
programming, and object-oriented programming. It subsumes the
functionality of its precursor languages LOGIN and Le_Fun, and may be
seen as an extension of Prolog. The syntax of Wild_LIFE has been kept
as close as possible to that of the Edinburgh standard for Prolog.
LIFE offers natively high-level abstraction facilities and convenient
data and control structures particularly well-suited for AI
programming. LIFE implements a constraint logic programming language
with equality (unification) and entailment (matching) constraints over
order-sorted feature terms. The interplay of unification and matching
provides an implicit coroutining facility thanks to an automatic
suspension mechanism. This allows interleaving interpretation of
relational and functional expressions which specify structural
dependencies on objects. The Wild_LIFE interpreter is the first
implementation of the LIFE language available to the general public.
It is a product of the Paradise project at Digital Equipment
Corporation's Paris Research Laboratory (DEC PRL). Wild_LIFE runs on
DECstations (Ultrix), SparcStations and RS/6000 systems and should
be portable to other Unix workstations. It is implemented in C,
and includes an interface to X Windows. Wild_LIFE is available
by anonymous ftp from gatekeeper.dec.com:pub/plan as the file
Life.tar.Z. To be added to the mailing list (life-users@prl.dec.com),
send mail to life-request@prl.dec.com. Send bug reports to
Lolli is an interpreter for logic programming based on linear logic
principles. Lolli, named for the linear logic implication operator
"-o" called lollipop, is a full implementation of the language
described in the paper "Logic Programming in a Fragment of
Intuitionistic Linear Logic" (Josh Hodas & Dale Miller, to appear in
Information and Computation), though it differs a bit in syntax, and
has several built-in extra-logical predicates and operators. To
retrieve a copy of the Lolli system, ftp (anonymously) to
ftp.cis.upenn.edu and retrieve the file pub/Lolli/Lolli-07.tar.Z. This
distribution includes full ML source, along with a Makefile, as well
as several background papers and a collection of example programs. For
those who do not have SML-NJ at their site, the authors hope to
provide pre-built binaries for a variety of architectures. These
binaries can be found on ftp.cis.upenn.edu in the directory
pub/Lolli/binaries. At present Sparc and NeXT binaries are available.
If you compile lolli on a new architecture, please contact Josh Hodas
at <hodas@saul.cis.upenn.edu> so that he can make your binary
Open Prolog:
Open Prolog (OP) is a Prolog interpreter for the Apple Macintosh.
It follows the so-called 'Edinburgh' syntax and supports most standard
Prolog features, including Definite Clause Grammars.
Extra predicates can be added via drop-in external predicates, similar to
Hypercard's XCMDs.
OP will work in any Macintosh from a Plus upwards, and is now
32-bit clean.
OP's home site is grattan.cs.tcd.ie [] in
It is also available from other sites, such as:
sumex-aim.stanford.edu (info-mac)
mac.archive.umich.edu []
nexus.yorku.ca:/pub/prolog/ []
aisun1.ai.uga.edu []
For more information, write to Michael Brady, Computer Science
Department, Trinity College, Dublin 2, IRELAND, send email to
brady@cs.tcd.ie, call +353 1 7021786, or fax +353 1 6772204 (5 hours
ahead of East Coast US time).
PCN (Program Composition Notation) is not a logic programming
language, but it has similarities to Strand and other concurrent logic
programming languages. PCN is a parallel programming system that
provides a simple language for specifying concurrent algorithms,
interfaces to Fortran and C, a portable toolkit that allows
applications to be developed on a workstation or small parallel
computer and run unchanged on supercomputers, and integrated debugging
and performance analysis tools. PCN includes a runtime system,
compiler, linker, a set of standard libraries, virtual topology tools,
a symbolic debugger (PDB), an execution profiler (Gauge), and a trace
analysis tool (Upshot). PCN was developed at Argonne National
Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology. PCN runs on
Sun4, NeXT, IBM RS/6000, SGI Iris, Intel iPSC/860, Intel Touchstone
DELTA, Sequent Symmetry running Dynix (not PTX), and should be easy to
port to other architectures. PCN is in the public domain and can be
obtained by anonymous ftp from
The distribution includes a user's guide containing a tutorial and
reference material. For further information on PCN, please send email to
<pcn@mcs.anl.gov> or contact Ian Foster <foster@mcs.anl.gov>
708-252-4619 or Steve Tuecke <tuecke@mcs.anl.gov> 708-252-8711.
PD Prolog 19:
wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/prolog/ (IBM PC)
aisun1.ai.uga.edu (
PDSS KL1 is an implementation of FGHC, a concurrent logic programming
language developed at ICOT in Japan. Runs on Suns, HPs, DECs, and the
Sequent Symmetry. Available free by anonymous ftp from ftp.icot.or.jp.
A representative paper on the language is Kazunori Ueda and Takashi
Chikayama, "Design of the Kernel Language for the Parallel Inference
Machine", The Computer Journal, December, 1990. For more information,
send email to ifs@icot.or.jp or write to ICOT Free Software Desk,
Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita
Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax
Portable Prolog System:
Portable Prolog System is an interpreter from the University of York.
Runs on any system having a Pascal compiler. For more information,
write to University of York, Software Distribution Officer, Department
of Computer Science, University of York, York, YO1 5DD, UK, call +44
(904) 59861, or fax +44 (904) 433744.
Parallel PROLOG compiler with a reduce-OR process model.
Stony Brook Prolog runs on Sun4, Pyramid-98x, DEC3100, SGI Iris,
Amiga, and MS-DOS machines. Contact warren@sbcs.sunysb.edu for more
information. Two versions are available: version 2.5 is an
interpreter for Amigas and version 3.1 is an interpreter and compiler
for Unix and MSDOS/386.
SB-Hilog runs in SB-Prolog and Quintus Prolog and is available on
src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] contains SBProlog 3.1 executables for
MS-DOS/386 in languages/sbprolog, filename sbpmsdos.zip.
nic.funet.fi contains SBProlog executables for Amiga in
Modular SB-Prolog (= SB-Prolog version 3.1 plus modules) is available
by anonymous FTP from ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk (, as the file
pub/dts/mod-prolog.tar.Z. Includes interpreter for SPARC. For more
information, write to Brian Paxton <mprolog@dcs.ed.ac.uk>.
SWI Prolog:
swi.psy.uva.nl:pub/SWI-Prolog/pl-1.6.12.tar.Z [] (Main source)
[The patch level (last digit) is regularly updated and diffs between
patch levels are located in the same directory.]
mpii02999.ag2.mpi-sb.mpg.de:pub/tools/SWI/ [] (OS/2)
rs3.hrz.th-darmstadt.de []
ftp.th-darmstadt.de:pub/programming/languages/prolog []
SWI-Prolog includes a fast compiler, a profiler, C interface, a
module system, libraries, and dynamic loading.
Runs on Atari ST, Gould PN, NeXT, HP, IBM Linux, DEC MIPS, IBM
PS/2 AIX, OS/2, IBM RS/6000, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, and Vax.
Written by Jan Wielemaker, SWI, University of Amsterdam,
Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
<jan@swi.psy.uva.nl>. Ported to OS/2 by Andreas Toenne,
<atoenne@mpi-sb.mpg.de>. The mailing list is prolog@swi.psy.uva.nl.
To be added to the list, send mail to prolog-request@swi.psy.uva.nl.
Toy Prolog:
An interpreter written in Pascal. About 3500 lines of source. Free with
"Prolog for Programmers" by Kluzniak and Szpakowicz (Academic Press
1985). Toy Prolog has been ported to the Atari ST by Jens
Kilian <jensk@hpbeo82.bbn.hp.com>.
Tricia is a free Prolog high-level emulator with interpreter available
by email from Uppsala University. Runs on Macintosh, Sun3, Sun4, Apollo
DN-3500/4500/5500 (OS version 10.*) and HP-730's. For more information,
write to Uppsala University, Tricia project, Computing Science
Department, Box 520, S-751 20 UPPSALA, Sweden, fax +46 18 521270, or
email to tricia-request@csd.uu.se or jonas@csd.uu.se. It is
available by anonymous ftp from
A copy is also available in the directory
if your site runs the Andrew File System, or by anonymous ftp from
XSB is a Prolog-based Logic Programming System that extends the
standard functionality of Prolog with an implementation of OLDT
(tabling) and HiLog terms. It is a descendent of PSB-Prolog and
SB-Prolog. OLDT resolution is useful for recursive query computation,
allowing programs to terminate correctly in many cases where Prolog
does not. HiLog supports a type of higher-order programming in which
predicate symbols can be variable or structured. This allows
unification to be performed on the predicate symbols themselves in
addition to the arguments of the predicates. XSB runs on Sun3, Sun4,
and NeXT, and can be compiled using either the GNU C compiler or the
Sun C compiler. THIS IS A BETA RELEASE. XSB is available by anonymous
ftp from sbcs.sunysb.edu:pub/XSB/XSB.tar.Z []. For further
information, write to XSB Research Group, Computer Science Department,
SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794, or send email to
Subject: [2-2] Commercial Prolog Implementations
The Prolog Vendors' Group may be contacted by email via the Secretary,
Al Roth, at <alroth@cix.compulink.co.uk>.
AAIS Prolog
ALS Prolog
LPA Prolog
Prolog III
Quintus Prolog
ALS Prolog
Arity Prolog
Coder's Prolog
Cogent Prolog
Delphia Prolog
ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version)
LPA Prolog
OU Prolog
PDC Prolog
Prolog III
Quintec Prolog
Quintus Prolog
AIAI Edinburgh Prolog
ALS Prolog
BIM Prolog
Coder's Prolog
Delphia Prolog
ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version)
MU-Prolog, NU-Prolog
Prolog III
Quintec Prolog
Quintus Prolog
SICStus Prolog
SNI Prolog
Many of the following vendors offer educational discounts to
universities. Be sure to ask for current pricing information.
Commercial Prolog Implementations:
AAIS Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter that runs on
the Apple Macintosh and costs $298. Write to Advanced AI Systems,
Inc., PO Box 39-0360, Mountain View, CA 94039-0360, call 415-948-8658,
fax 415-948-2486, or email aais@applelink.apple.com. Reviewed in
AI Expert, Feburary 1991.
AIAI Edinburgh Prolog is a high level prolog emulator that runs on
Acorn R140 (RISC iX), DG AViiON (DG/VX 4.1), Vax (Berkeley Unix, VMS),
Gould Encore (Unix), HP 9000/300 (HP-UX), MIPS RISC (RiscOS), Sequent
(DYNIX V3), Sun 2,3,4 (SunOS-3,4). For more information, write to
AIAI, AI Applications Institute, Software Secretary, University of
Edinburgh, 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN, UK, call +44 (31) 650
2734, fax +44 (31) 226 2730, or send email to AIAI@ed.ac.uk.
ALS Prolog runs on 80386 machines, including DOS ($799), Sun 386i, Xenix,
Apple Macintosh ($499), System V Unix (Microport), Sun3, Sun4, Sparc,
Aviion, NeXT, VAX and Delta88. It is available from Applied Logic
Systems, Inc., PO Box 90, University Station, Syracuse, NY 13210-0090,
phone 315-471-3900, fax 315-471-2606, or email info@als.com or
support@als.com. Send a message to info@als.com with subject line "HELP"
to get a general information file in reply.
Arity Prolog is an emulator with interpreter and runs on DOS ($650),
OS/2 ($1k), Windows (extra $350), OS/2 V.2, and Windows-NT. For more
information, write to Arity Corporation, Damonmill Square, 29 Domino
Drive, Concord, MA 01742, call 800-722-7489 (508-371-1243), fax
508-371-1487, or send email to 73677.2614@compuserve.com or
Paul G. Weiss <weiss@theory.lcs.mit.edu>.
Prolog by BIM is a prolog compiler that runs on Sun4, Sparcs and
RS/6000. It includes Carmen, a user-interface generator for XView
and SunView and interfaces to various databases and windowing
packages. For more information, contact BIM Systems, Inc., 11111
Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 650, Los Angeles, CA 90025, call
310-445-1500, fax to 310-445-1515, or email to prolog@bim.com.
Outside North-America write to BIM s.a./n.v., Kwikstraat 4, B-3078
Everberg, Belgium, call +32 2 759 59 25, fax to +32 2 759 92 09 or
email to prolog@sunbim.be (Kathleen Pierco). Earlier version reviewed
in AI Expert, January 1991.
CIM-Prolog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Apollo Domain
and Sun. Also standard Prolog for Apollo Domain, IBM PC/AT, INMOS
transputer, and Sun. A parallel version is also available.
For more information, write to Creative Soft GmbH, Turnstrasse 10, D-8510
Fuerth, Germany, call +49 911 7499214, or fax +49 911 747756.
Coder's Prolog 2.0 is a Prolog Interpreter from Austin Code Works. Works
on any system with a C compiler (it is designed for use with C programs).
For more information, write to Austin Code Works, 11100 Leafwood Lane,
Austin, TX 78750-3587, call 512-258-0785, fax 512-258-1342, or send email
to info@acw.com.
Cogent Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter.
Compiled and interpreted code may be intermixed in the same program
(for ease of debugging). The full system includes a debugger, definite
clause grammar support, full-screen shell, standard listener, support
for 16-bit and 32-bit protected mode, linker, .exe generator and
royalty-free distributable runtime ($248). Compiler & interpreter
without linker and distributable runtime ($149). Interpreter alone
($49). Also available is an interactive tutorial, the Active Prolog
Tutor ($75) and full source code for expert system shell prototypes
for forward/backward chaining, frames, Rete-network and more ($82).
All are IBM-PC based. For more info or tech support, email
amziod@world.std.com, or contact Amziod, 40 Samuel Prescott Dr., Stow,
MA 01775. 508-897-7332 (FAX 508-897-2784).
Delphia Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter that
runs on Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, RS/6000, Apollo, HP9000/300, Unigraph 68xxx,
386/486 (SCO Unix), DecStation (Ultrix), Sony NEWS (Unix), VAX (VMS,
Ultrix), uVax (Ultrix), VaxStation (Ultrix). Write to Delphia, 27 Avenue
de la Republique, 38170 Seyssinet, France, call 33-76-26-68-94 or fax
33-76-26-52-27. Arity Corporation is the US Distributor of Delphia
Prolog. An earlier version was reviewed in AI Expert, January 1991
and Feburary 1991.
ECRC SEPIA. See ECLiPSe. SEPIA is no longer delivered as a
stand-alone system, but as a part of ECLiPSe.
EDCAAD C-Prolog is a prolog interpreter for Sun (SunOS), VAX (Ultrix,
VMS), Apollo, and 68000 (Unix). For more information, write to EDCAAD,
Department of Architecture, Edinburgh University, 20 Chambers St.,
Edinburgh EH1 1JZ, UK, call +44 (31) 650 1000, fax +44 (31) 667 0141,
or send email to chris@caad.ed.ac.uk.
ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version), is a high-level emulator with
interpreter and compiler for Sun3, Sun4, HP9000 (Unix), RS/6000
(Unix), VAX (VMS), IBM PC (MS-DOS, Windows 3.0/3.1), and 386. It is an
Edinburgh standard prolog with a number of extensions. The windows
version includes BIPs for programming windows graphics and dialogues.
For more information, write to Expert Systems Limited (ESL), Attn:
Nick Henfrey, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford, OX4
4GA, England, call +44-865-794474, fax +44-856-784475, or email
HyperProlog. See Delphia Prolog.
IBM PROLOG for AIX/6000 (PFA) is a high performance implementation of
the PROLOG language, combined with a powerful programming environment,
especially designed for the IBM RISC System/6000 under AIX. PFA was
developed by BIM as an adaptation of ProLog by BIM for the IBM RISC
System/6000 under AIX. It was selected by IBM Europe as their
official PROLOG implementation for the RISC System/6000 (Program
Number 5776-FAH). For more information: In North-America contact BIM
systems, 11111 Santa Monica Bld, call 310-445-1500, fax to
+310-445-1515; in Europe contact your local IBM representative.
Elsewhere contact BIM, Kwikstraat 4, B-3078 Everberg, Belgium, call
+32 2 759 59 25, or fax +32 2 759 92 09, or email prolog@sunbim.be.
IF/Prolog is a Prolog interpreter and compiler with X-window and
OSF/Motif development environment, bidirectional C interface, on-line
hypertext manual, and X-window, OSF/Motif interfaces and various SQl
interfaces. It runs on Apollo, Aviion 300, Macintosh (A/UX), microVAX
2000 (Ultrix), Vax (Ultrix, VMS), VaxStation (Ultrix), DEC Alpha
(OSF/1, VMS), HP9000, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, UTS, AIX/370, IBM RS/6000,
Decstation (Ultrix, OSF/1), Sequent S16, Silicon Graphics, Sony News
(Unix), Motorola, Nixdorf, Interactive Unix, SCO UNIX, DOS-based 386
PCs, and Windows 3.0/3.1. For more information, write to American
InterFace Computer, Inc., One Westlake Plaza, 1705 Capital of Texas
Highway South, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78746, call 512-327-5344, or fax
512-327-5176, or e-mail ifc@cactus.org. European Customers may write
to InterFace Computer GmbH, Garmischer Strasse 4, D-8000 Muenchen 2,
Germany, call +49 89 5108655, fax +49 89 5108628, or email
vp@IFComputer.de. Reviewed in AI Expert January 1991.
IQSOFT MProlog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Unix,
Macintosh and IBM PC. Runs on Vax (Unix 4.2 BSD), 68000-based machines
(Unix), Tektronix 4404, HP3000, and Siemens 1. For more information,
write to IQSOFT, SZKI Intelligent Software Ltd., Iskola u. 10.,
Budapest, H-1011, Hungary, call +36 1 201 6764, fax +36 1 201 7125, or
send email to szeredi@iqsoft.hu.
LPA Prolog is a prolog compiler for IBM PCs (DOS, Windows, 386) and Apple
Macintosh. LPA Prolog ++ is an object-oriented programming system
based on Prolog. Write to Logic Programming Associates, Ltd., Studio
4 Royal Victoria Patriotic Building, Trinity Road, London SW18 3SX,
England, call +44 081-871-2016, fax +44 081-874-0449, or email
lpa@cix.compulink.co.uk, UK0049@applelink.apple.com (Clive Spenser),
or 100135.134@compuserve.com. In the US call 800-949-7567.
LPA products are distributed in North America by Quintus under the
Quintus name.
Maxon Prolog is available for the Atari ST from the German magazine
'ST-Computer' for 298 DM. Tel: 010 49 61 96 481811.
MU-Prolog, NU-Prolog are prolog interpreters from the University of
Melbourne. Source licences are available for educational institutions.
Implemented in C for BSD Unix. Currently running on Sun3, Sun4, Vax,
Elxsi, Encore, and SGI. For more information, write to University of
Melbourne, MU-Prolog Distribution, Department of Computer Science,
Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia, call +61 3 344 7270, or send email to
jas@cs.mu.oz.au and jws@cs.mu.oz.au.
OU Prolog is a prolog interpreter from Open University for IBM PC
(MS-DOS). Includes video, books. Ask for item PD622 and quote
reference SA69. For more information, write to Open University,
Learning Materials Sales Office, PO Box 188, Milton Keynes MK7 6DH, UK.
PDC Prolog runs on IBM PCs (DOS, OS/2, Windows and SCO Unix). Formerly
known as Turbo Prolog from Borland. Includes a native code compiler
but is incompatible with most other prologs. Its variables are
strongly typed, unlike most other prologs. For more information, write
Prolog Development Center, 568 14th Street, Atlanta, GA 30318, call
800-762-2710, (404-873-1366), fax 404-872-5243 or email
pdc-request@pdc.dk (general information), sales@pdc.dk (sales),
support@pdc.dk (tech support). A BBS is run at 404-872-5358. European
customers may write to Prolog Development Center, A/S, Hj Holst Vej
5A, DK-2605 Broendby, Denmark, call +45 36 72 10 22, or fax +45 36 72
02 69. Reviewed in AI Expert January 1991.
POPLOG is a high-level prolog emulator with interpreter. The POPLOG
environment integrates four AI programming languages in one
environment: Lisp, Prolog, ML and POP11. POPLOG can also load in C and
Fortran binaries. Runs on VAX (Ultrix, VMS), VAXStation (Ultrix),
DECStation (Ultrix), Sun 3,4, Sparc, Solbourne, HP Apollo 9000/400,
Sparc (HP-UX), MIPS (RISCOS), Sequent Symmetry (Dynix), Apple
Macintosh (AUX), SONY News (News-OS), and Silicon Graphics Iris
(Irix). The academic version from Sussex University. For more
information, write to POPLOG, Sussex University, Poplog Manager,
School of Cognitive Sciences, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN, UK, call +44
273 608367, fax +44 273 678188, or send email to popsales@cogs.sussex.ac.uk
or popmanager@cogs.sussex.ac.uk. The commercial version is available
from Integral Solutions Ltd as Integral Poplog and Pop++. For more
information, write to Integral Solutions Ltd, Unit 3, 23 Campbell
Court, Bramley, Basingstoke Hampshire RG26 5EG, UK, call +44 256 88 20
28, fax +44 256 88 21 82, or send email to isl@integ.uucp or
isl@integ.co.uk. The North American retailer is Computable
Functions Inc. For more informatin, write to Computable Functions Inc.,
35 S. Orchard Drive, Amherst, MA 01002, call 413-545-3140, or fax
413-545-3140. Contact Robin Popplestone, pop@cs.umass.edu, for info
on a new book on Pop-11.
Prolog III integrates constraint programming with Prolog. It runs on
Apple Macintosh, IBM PC (386, MS-DOS), Next, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, HP9000,
Apollo, RS/6000, Bull DPX, Masscomp (Unix), Vax (Ultrix, VMS),
DecStation and MicroVAX. For more information, write to PrologIA,
Parc Technologique de Luminy, Case 919, 13288 Marseilles cedex 09, France,
call 33-91-26-86-36, fax 33-91-41-96-37, or send email to
prolia@dcftlx.das.net or prolia@tlxf.geomail.org. The US point of contact
for Prolog III by PrologIA is BIM Systems, Inc.
Prolog-86 is available from Solution Systems Inc. For more
information, write to Solution Systems Inc., 335-D Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061, call 617-337-6963, or fax 617-431-8419.
Quintec Prolog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for IBM PC
(MS-DOS), Vax, VAXstation (Ultrix, VMS), Decstation (Ultrix), and
Sparc (SunOS4.0). For more information, write to Quintec Prolog,
Quintec Systems Ltd., Midland House, West Way, Botley, Oxford OS2 0PL,
UK, call +44 865 791565, or fax +44 865 791595.
Quintus Prolog is a low level emulator that runs on Unix (Sparc, sun2,
sun3, sun4, 386i, VAX (Ultrix, VMS), uVAX (Ultrix), HP9000, Apollo,
DecStation, IBM RT, Sequent S/27, S/81, IBM PS/2 (AIX), Intel 80386
(Unix V.3), Intergraph, Solbourne, RS/6000, and MIPS), IBM PC (DOS,
Windows), and Macintosh. Includes a cross-referencing facility. For
more information, contact Quintus Corporation, 2100 Geng Road, Palo
Alto, CA 94303, call 1-800-542-1283 (415-813-3800), fax 415-494-7608,
or email sales@quintus.com (sales), teksup@quintus.com (tech support).
To be added to the users group mailing list, send mail to
quintus-users-request@quintus.com. Version 3.0 reviewed in AI Expert
January 1991 and February 1991 and IEEE Expert April 1991. LPA
products are distributed in North America by Quintus under the Quintus name.
SICStus Prolog is a Unix prolog by SICS. It is portable to most UNIX
machines (Berkeley UNIX is preferred over System V). SICS Aurora and
Echo is a parallel emulator for Sequent Balance, Sequent Symmetry,
Encore Multimax, and BBN Butterfly (Unix). For more information, write
to SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, P.O. Box 1263, S-164
28 KISTA, Sweden, call +46 8 752 15 02, fax +46 8 751 72 30, or send
email to sicstus_request@sics.se. Bug reports and tech support questions
should be sent to sicstus-bug@sics.se. To subscribe to the users group
and implementors mailing list, send email to sicstus-users-request@sics.se.
SNI Prolog Version 3 is an implementation of the Prolog language that
is compatible with the ISO Standard draft. It is available from
Siemens Nixdorf for Unix workstations for about DM 11100 in Germany.
SNI Prolog runs on the SGI, SNI and Sun platforms, and ports to other
systems, including MS-DOS, are in progress. Includes coroutines,
finite domains, numerical and boolean constraints, garbage collection,
incremental compilation, dynamic linking, hypertext style on-line
help, a window environment with an integrated editor, interfaces to
INFORMIX, Motif/XWindows and C. The constraint programming features of
SNI Prolog provide support for solving problems from operations
research such as dynamic resource allocation and flexible scheduling
with numerical constraints or the verification of complex systems with
Boolean constraints. For more information, write to Siemens Nixdorf
Informationssysteme AG, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-8000 Munich 83, Germany,
Attn: Hans-Juergen Stenger, Systems Planning, call +49 89 636 44049,
fax +49 89 636 41208, or send email to stenger@sd235-hera.zfe.siemens.de.
SPIES YAP is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Sun3, Sun4,
VAXstation, SGI, HP9000, Apple Macintosh and Amiga (Atari ST). For
more information, write to SPIES, Sociedade Portuguesa de, Importacao
e Exportacao de Software, Lda Av da Republica, 46 - 2, 1000 Lisboa,
Portugal, call +351 1 795075, or fax +351 1 775891.
Turbo Prolog. See PDC Prolog.
Parallel Prologs:
Densitron CS Prolog is a parallel prolog compiler and interpreter for
IBM PCs (MS-DOS or OS/2), T414/T800 transputer (mono or multi), 386
(Unix V), uVAX (VMS), or VAX(VMS). Also standard Prolog for MS-DOS,
UNIX and VAX. For more information, write to Densitron, Unit 4,
Aiport Trading Estate, Biggin Hill, Kent, TN16 3BW, UK, call +44 959
76331, or fax +44 959 71017.
Paralogic is a parallel implementation of the Clocksin and Mellish
Prolog. It runs on DOS-based PCs or Apple Macintoshes with the INMOS
Transputers. For more information, write to Paralogic Inc., 115
Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, call 215-861-6960, fax
215-861-8247 or email plogic@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.edu. It is also
distributed by Computer Systems Architects, 905 N. University Avenue,
Provo, UT 84604-3422, 800-753-4272 (801-374-2300), or fax 801-374-2306
as n-parallel Prolog.
PARLOG is a parallel emulator from Imperial College for the Sequent
Balance, Sequent Symmetry, Encore Multimax, Alliant FX (Unix), Sun
(Unix, 1 processor). For more information, write to Imperial College,
Department of Computing, Parlog Distribution Secretary, 180 Queen's
Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK, call +44 71 589 5111 x7537, fax +44 71 589
8024, or send email to parlog@doc.ic.ac.uk. Imperial College also
used to produce IC Prolog. Parallel Logic Programming produces
PC-PARLOG and MacPARLOG for the IBM PC and Macintosh computers.
For more information contact Parallel Logic Programming Ltd., PO Box
49, Twickenham, Middlesex TW2 5PH, UK or call +44 454 201 652.
Strand-88 is a parallel emulator for Sun3, Sun4, Sparc BBN Butterfly,
GPT2000, Cogent Multimax, Intel iPSC/2, iPSC/860, MIPS RiscStation,
Sequent Symmetry Balance (Unix System V or Mach, Helios) and
communication component from CSTools, Express in some cases. Also
Transputer systems PC hosted systems from Paracom, Telmat and others,
Unix hosted systems from Meiko, Paracom, Telmat and others, Apple
Macintosh, Atari ATW, and NeXT. Price dependent on configuration and
scale of target machine. For more information, write to Strand
Software Technologies Ltd., Ver House, London Rd, Markyate, Herts AL3
8JP, UK, call +44 582 842424, fax +44 582 840282, or send email to
SICS Aurora and Echo. See SICStus Prolog above.
Object Oriented Systems:
LAP is an object-oriented system by Elsa. For more information, write
to Elsa Software, La Grange Dame Rose, 6 ave du Marechal Juin, 92366
Meudon-La-Foret Cedex, France, call +33 (1) 46 30 24 55, fax +33 (1)
46 30 55 26, or send email to elsa!lap@uunet.uu.net.
SPIRAL is an object oriented system by CRIL for Sun3 and Sun4 under
Unix. For more information, write to CRIL, Conception et Realisation,
Industriel de Logiciel, 146 bd de Valmy 92707, Colombes Cedex, France,
call +33 1 47 69 53 67, or fax +33 1 47 69 53 99.
Constraint Systems:
CLP(R) is a constraint system from Monash University for VAX, Sun, and
Pyramid (Unix). Costs $150. For more information, write to Monash
University, CLP(R) Distribution, Department of Computer Science,
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia, or send email to
Trilogy is a constraint system developed by Complete Logic Systems. It
costs $100. For more information, write to Complete Logic Systems, Inc,
741 Blueridge Avenue, V7R 2J5, North Vancouver BC, Canada, or call
604-986-3234. [This phone number was recently disconnected -- does
the company still exist?]
VS Trilogy is a Prolog compiler available from Vertical Software for
$395. For more information, write to Vertical Software Ltd., 14-636
Clyde Ave, W. Vancouver, BC, V7T 1E1, Canada, call 604-925-0321, or fax
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